Growth and Yield Dinamics of Rainfed Rice Fields by Providing Municipal Solid Waste Compost

Aisar Novita


The productivity of rice in Panai Tengah was still relatively low with a production of 4.75 tons.ha-1, compared to the national production of 5 to 6 tons.ha-1. Low rice productivity was caused by land use limiting factors, namely, physical and biological factor, soil chemistry, and agricultural systems. The provision of organic fertilizer or municipal waste compost is one way to overcome the constraints on the physical, biological and chemical characteristics of the soil. This study aims to determine the response to growth and yield of rainfed ricefield in Kecamatan Panai Tengah with a dose of municipal solid waste compost. This research was conducted by taking soil samples in the rainfed ricefields and then analyzed in the experimental field at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Labuhan Batu University. The analysis stage was for six months from seeding to harvesting. The methodology for this study was a non-factorial randomized block design, consisting of 7 treatments. The result showed that the application of Municipal Solid Waste Compost at a dose of 18 tons/ha showed high yields. The recommendation to farmers was to giving 18 tons/ha dose of municipal waste compost to increasing the yields of their ricefields.


Organic fertilizer, Oryza sativa, Yield.


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