Spatial Variability of Soil Inherent Fertility Status at Irrigation Rice Field in Waeapo Plain, Buru Regency

Andriko Noto Susanto


Analysis and interpretation of spatial variability soils properties are a basis in site-specific nutrients management. Evaluation inherent potentiality (IP) of soil fertility status is the method to know variability of soil fertility and spatial distribution at the area. Evaluation of IP was conducted by mathematical calculation to eleven soil properties namely total C, total N, N-NH4+, total P, P-Bray 1, P (extract HCl 25%), [Ca+Mg]-exch., K-exch., CEC, available Si, and sand content. Result of IP evaluation in Waeapo plain indicated that from the total rice field area of 25,848.83 ha, 75.64% or 19,552.44 ha showed very low IP class, and the rest for the width of 6,296.39 ha or 24.36% had low IP class. Content of C-total, N-total, N-NH4+, P2O5 total, P2O5 extracted by HCl 25%, available P2O5 and Si was not limited IP, because they were all classified as moderate class. Limiting factor of very low and low IP was a combination of three elements of [Ca+Mg]-exch., K-exch, and CEC. Increasing CEC and availability of K with addition of ameliorant such as organic materials, calcite, zeolite and dolomite would improve IP status class.

Keywords: Buru Island, inherent potentiality of soil fertility, rice, Waeapo Plain

[How to Cite: Susanto AN and BH Sunarminto. 2013.Spatial Variability of Soil Inherent Fertility Status at Irrigation Rice Field in Waeapo Plain, Buru Regency. J Trop Soils 18 (2): 115-124. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2013.18.2.115]




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Buru Island; inherent potentiality of soil fertility; rice; Waeapo Plain

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