Soil Characteristics and Management of Ultisols Derived from Claystones

Diah Puspita Hati


Ultisols are one of the types of soils that develop from clay parent materials and are widely distributed in Indonesia, making them suitable for agricultural land use. Naturally, Ultisols have low soil fertility, such as acidic soil reactions and low base content, which can lead to suboptimal agricultural yields without proper management. Therefore, this study aims to determine the physical, chemical, and mineralogical characteristics of Ultisols to formulate appropriate land management practices. Soil samples were collected from Ultisols with clay parent materials from several various regions in Indonesia. Soil profile creation was conducted to observe soil morphology in the field, followed by physical, chemical, and mineralogical analysis in the laboratory. The results showed that Ultisols have a deep solum (80-120 cm), clay texture, and sticky and plastic consistencies. Chemically, Ultisols generally have an acidic reaction, low organic C content, potential P and K contents, cation exchange capacity, base saturation, and high Al saturation. The content of easily weathered minerals, such as orthoclase, biotite, augite, etc., which are important nutrient reserves, is also generally low. Thus, the Ultisols studied are classified as low fertility soils, requiring specific management practices such as the addition of lime, organic materials, and soil amendments in a balanced and appropriate manner to achieve optimal yields.


soil physics; soil chemistry;characteristics & classification


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