Land Suitability Study in Ultisols for Soybean Based on Soil Fauna

Ea Kosman Anwar, Ridha Nurlaily, . Sarmah, Jati Purwani


Evaluation of land suitability for soybean by involving the presence and biodiversity of soil fauna has been conducted. The research was done on thecenter of soybean plantations in Ultisols soils in Banten, Lampung, and Lahat (south Sumatera) Provinces.  The objective of research was to determine the interaction between soil fauna  diversity in Ultisols soil and productivity of soybean. The research used a Survey Method.  Every location was divided into three categories of vegetation performance, such as, less vegetation, average vegetation, and very fertile vegetation with two replicates.  The chemical, physical, and biological properties of soils from every unit sampling were analyzed. The results showed that nutrient and chemical properties of soil which directly influenced the growth and production of soybean was P-potential, P-available, K-available, B (Boron), Ca and pH; the physical properties were pores drainage, pores rapid drainage, soil water content, and soil permeability. The presence of earthworm did not have direct effect to soybean, except as  the 3th between variables, meaning that the presence of earthworms affected soil physical properties, soil physical properties affected nutrient availability, nutrient availability affected the biomass and yield of soybean.

Keywords: Earthworm, land suitability, soil fauna,  soybeans, Ultisol

[How to Cite: Anwar EK, R Nurlaily, Sarmah and J Purwani. 2013. Land Suitability Study in Ultisols for Soybean Based on Soil Fauna. J Trop Soils 18 (3): 231-239. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2013.18.3.231]



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Earthworm; land suitability; soil fauna; soybeans; Ultisol

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