Application of Biocom-Phosphate Solubilizing Fungi and Coal Fly-Ash to Increase P-Availability of Peat Soil in Kalimantan

Gusti Irya Ichriani, Hairil Ifansyah, Agus Maulana, Ema Rizki Fauwziah, Muhammad Syifa, Bambang Supriyono Lautt, Adi Jaya, Hastin Ernawati Nur Chusnul Chotimah, Wiranda Pasaribu


The peatlands have the potential to support food security efforts. However, there is have constraints on soil fertility, especially the P nutrients availability. The biotechnology approach, the application of ameliorant (biochar-compost carrier medium (biocom)) enriched with phosphate solubilizing fungi (PSF) and coal fly ash (CFA), was expected to increase the P-availability in peat soils. The research aimed to study the application of biocom enriched with PSF and CFA to increase soil P-availability and plant P-uptake. The study was conducted using peat soil media with the formulation of CFA and biocom enriched with PSF and CFA as treatments. The treatment effect was observed through soil P available and plant P uptake of maize. The results showed PSF application was inconsistent in improving P available in peat soils in Kalimantan. In Central Kalimantan, Biocom + PSF was able to increase P available in peat soils by up to 406.18% (A. oryzae-Tb7) and 353.44% (N. fischeri-Tm8). However, in South Kalimantan P available in peat soil was only 8.04% (A. oryzae-Tb7) and 12.86% (N. fischeri-Tm8). The CFA+ (biocom+PSF) formulation increased P available in Central Kalimantan peat soils, but it was different from South Kalimantan peat soils. The application of biocom+PSF and CFA has not been able to increase the P uptake of maize plant in peatlands of South Kalimantan.


Biochar; coal fly-ash; peat soil; phosphate solubilizing fungi

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