Assessment of Land Characteristics and Suitability for Citrus Development in Dry Land Punung, Pacitan Regency

Supriyadi Supriyadi, Rahayu Rahayu, Ganjar Herdiansyah, Aktavia Herawati, Dita Risky Novianti


One of the Indonesian provinces where the agricultural industry drives the economy is Punung, Pacitan that have local conditions that are particularly suitable for producing citrus, giving this product the potential to continue to expand in popularity. Land evaluation tries to provide information on its potential for a particular purpose. This research was conducted to know land suitability classes, limiting factors, improvement efforts that can be made. This research is exploratory descriptive with a variable approach through field survey and using purposive random sampling method based on Land Mapping Units. Data analysis was carried out using the matching method between land characteristics and conditions for growing citrus and statistical test by ANOVA and Duncan to find the factors that most determine land characteristics in Punung. The results of the study show that the actual land suitability class in Punung is marginally suitable. Improvements that can be made to increase the availability of nutrients in the soil in the form of available P2O5 with a low level of management is to apply P fertilization according to the needs of citrus. Based on ANOVA results proved that the variety of soil types has a significant influence on the some of land characteristics.


actual; citrus; land characteristics; land suitability; potential; soil physics; soil chemistry; soil biology; soil survey & land evaluation


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