Availability and uptake of P, and yield of corn (Zea mays L.) in Regosol Soil Treated with Ela Sago Compost and SP-36 Fertilizer
The objectives to be achieved from this research are: To examine processed waste sago (ela sago) as organic fertilizer that can improve the chemical fertility of Regosol soil, namely, increase soil reaction (pH) and availability of Phosphate in Regosol soil, as well as increase Phosphate uptake, plant growth and yield Corn (Zea mays L). This study used a factorial randomized block design with 2 factors consisting of the first factor being sago starch compost and the second factor being SP-36 fertilizer. The results of this research show that the application of sago ela compost and SP-36 fertilizer independently can increase the reaction (pH) of the soil. Providing sago palm compost together with SP-36 fertilizer can increase soil available P from 17.33 to 60.67 ppm. Application of ela sago compost together with SP-36 fertilizer can increase plant P-uptake from 0.18 to 0.40%, corn plant growth, namely plant height from 135.60 to 189.67 cm, and stem diameter from 1. 86 to 3.44 cm, and crop yield (dry weight of 1000 corn kernels) from 266.60 to 390.57 g
Keywords: Compost, Corn, Ela Sago, Regosol, SP-36 fertilizer
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2025.v30i1.%25p
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