Assessment of Andisol characteristics for the development of potato plants in Pangalengan

Ganjar Herdiansyah, Mahfud Arifin, Abraham Suriadikusumah, Aktavia Herawati


Pangalengan is a horticultural plant center area in Bandung Regency. This horticultural center area is in Andisol, which is soil produced from volcanic ash. One of the primary commodities is potatoes. Intensive farming in Pangalengan is a problem that has an impact on soil and environmental conditions, thereby disrupting plant productivity. The aim of this research is to assess the characteristics of Andisol soil for the development of potato plants in Pangalengan. This research uses qualitative, descriptive, and survey methods. They were using physiographic survey methods. Soil samples were taken using purposive sampling without taking into account the distance between observation points. The observations made were soil characteristics, erosion, soil fertility and land suitability. The research results show that the soil type is Typic Hapludans. Erosion is moderate (19.06-94.41 tons/ha/year) in SPT 1 and 2, high (311.22 tons/ha/year) in SPT 3 and very high (798.04 tons/ha/year) in SPT 4, soil fertility is low with land suitability for potato plants including marginally suitable (S3) and not suitable (N). Fertilization, especially P fertilizer and organic fertilizer as well as making bunds in the direction of the contour, is recommended for the development of potato plants in Pangalengan.


Andisols; Erosion; Evaluation; Potato crops; Soil fertility


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