Impact of Land Use on Soil Water Retention in Inceptisols of the Upper Konto Watershed

Ermawati - Ermawati


The Upper Konto Watershed in Malang Regency is an area with various types of land use that have the potential to influence soil physical properties and soil water retention. Soil water retention is the ability of soil to absorb and retain water, which is closely related to the availability of water that can be utilized by plants. One of the soil types that dominate this region is inceptisol, which can face constraints in water retention, especially when land use changes or inappropriate management practices occur. This study aims to analyze the impact of different types of land use on soil water retention characteristics in the Inceptisols of the Upper Konto watershed. The research method was conducted through field surveys and laboratory analysis. The results revealed that land use types have a significant influence on soil physical properties as well as water retention characteristics. Specifically, it was found that forest land with the Udic Eutrandepts soil type had the highest water retention capability (0.39 cm3 cm-3), while dry farm land with the same soil type had the lowest water retention capability (0.06 cm3 cm-3). These findings illustrate the stark differences in the ability of soils to retain water between different land use types.


land use; soil physics; soil water retention


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