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Issue Title
Vol 20, No 1: January 2015 Effect Various Combination of Organic Waste on Compost Quality Abstract   PDF
. Hapsoh, . Gusmawartati, Muhammad Yusuf
Vol 20, No 2: May 2015 Effectiveness of Bio-organic Fertilizer Formulas to Increase Productivity of Upland Rice and Dehydrogenase Activity in Lampung Acid Upland Abstract   PDF
. Surono, Edi Santosa, . Subowo, . Elsanti, . Khamdanah
Vol 16, No 3: September 2011 Effectiveness of Commercial Biofertilizer on Fertilization Efficiency in Ultisols for the Growth and Yield of Caisim Abstract   PDF
Ea Kosman Anwar, Subowo Gitosuwondo
Vol 18, No 1: January 2013 Effectiveness of Direct Application of Phosphate Rock in Upland Acid Inceptisols Soils on Available-P and Maize Yield Abstract   PDF
. Nurjaya, Dedi Nursyamsi
Vol 25, No 1: January 2020 Effectiveness of Inorganic Fertilizer and Biofertilizer Application on Maize Yield and Fertilizer Use Efficiency on Inceptisol from West Java Abstract   PDF
Jati Purwani, Nurjaya Nurjaya
Vol 21, No 1: January 2016 Effectiveness of Organonitrofos Plus Fertilizer on Sweet Corn and Soil Chemical Properties of Ultisols Abstract   PDF
. Dermiyati, Setyo Dwi Utomo, Kuswanta Futas Hidayat, Jamalam Lumbanraja, Sugeng Triyono, Hanung Ismono, Niā€™malia Estika Ratna, Nidya Triana Putri, Rianida Taisa
Vol 22, No 1: January 2017 Effectivity of Soil Amelioration on Peat Soil and Rice Productivity Abstract   PDF
. Septiyana, Atang Sutandi, Lilik Tri Indriyati
Vol 27, No 1: January 2022 Effects Nutrient Additives of NPK Fertilizer and Coconut Water on the Yield of White Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) Abstract   PDF
Muhammad Salman Alfarizi, Gusmawartati Gusmawartati, Zulfatri Zulfatri
Vol 29, No 3: September 2024 (in Progress) Effects of Employing Biofertilizer and Combining It with Inorganic Fertilizer on Soil Available Phosphorous, Total Soil Microorganisms, and Productivity of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Abstract
Marianus Ngui
Vol 15, No 2: May 2010 Effects of Green Manure and Clay on the Soil Characteristics, Growth and Yield of Peanut at the Coastal Sandy Soil Abstract   PDF
Muchtar Muchtar, Yoyo Soelaeman
Vol 24, No 2: May 2019 Effects of Gypsum and Zeolite on Nutrient Uptake and Shallot (Allium ascalonium L.) Growth on Irrigated Saline Entisol Abstract   PDF
Rahayu Rahayu, Jauhari Syamsiyah, Livia Dewi
Vol 13, No 1: January 2008 Effects of land applications waste water of crude palm oil factory on some nutrient available in soil and nutrient content in palm oil Abstract   PDF
Irwan Sukri Banuwa, Mamat Anwar Pulung
Vol 19, No 1: January 2014 Efficiency Test of IRRI Fertilizing Recommendations on Rainfed Low Land Rice Field in West Kalimantan Abstract   PDF
Muhammad Hatta, Mahyuddin Syam, Dwi Purnamawati Widiastuti
Vol 20, No 3: September 2015 Emissions of Methane and Nitrous Oxide from Rainfed Rice Field Treated with Different Rice Planting Systems and Nematicide Applications at Central Java, Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Anicetus Wihardjaka, Elisabeth Srihayu Harsanti
Vol 17, No 1: Januari 2012 Enhanced Soil Chemical Properties and Rice Yield in Acid Sulphate Soil by Application of Rice Straw Abstract   PDF
Siti Nurzakiah, Linda Indrayati, . Nurita
Vol 29, No 3: September 2024 (in Progress) Environmental stressors influence the acdS gene abundance in the rhizospheric soil of pineapple plant in Lampung, Indonesia Abstract
Dori Kusuma Jaya, Giyanto Giyanto, Novik Nurhidayat, Sarjiya Antonius
Vol 23, No 3: September 2018 Erosion and Surface Runoff on Forest and Oil Palm Plantation in Jalemu Watershed, Gunung Mas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province Abstract   PDF
Adi Jaya, Cakra Birawa, Fengky Florante Adji, Mochamad Anwar, Irwan Sukri Banuwa
Vol 16, No 3: September 2011 Estimation of Available Phosphorus in Soil Using the Population of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Spores Abstract   PDF
Machfud Effendy, Bhakti Wisnu Wijayani
Vol 19, No 2: May 2014 Estimation of the Potential Carbon Emission from Acrotelmic and Catotelmic Peats Abstract   PDF
Siti Nurzakiah, Supiandi Sabiham, Budi Nugroho, Dedi Nursyamsi
Vol 14, No 1: January 2009 Evaluation for the Potential Use of Silicate Rocks from FourVolcanoes in Indonesia as Fertilizer and Soil Ameliorant Abstract   PDF
Joko Priyono, Raden Sutriono, Zaenal Arifin
Vol 19, No 2: May 2014 Evaluation of Primary Macro Nutrients on Arboretum Area in Lampung University Campus, Gedong Meneng Abstract   PDF
Nur Afni Afrianti, Tamaluddin Syam
Vol 14, No 3: September 2009 Existing of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal on The Corn Field Subjected by Long-term Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers Abstract   PDF
Sri Yusnaini
Vol 13, No 1: January 2008 Existing Versus Added Soil Organic Matter in Relation to Phosphorus Availability on Lateritic Soils Abstract   pdf
Fadly Hairannoor Yusran
Vol 15, No 1: January 2010 Extreme High Yield of Tropical Rice Grown Without Fertilizer on Acid Sulfate Soil in South Kalimantan, Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Erry Purnomo, Yasuyuki Hashidoko, Toshihiro Hasegawa, Mitsuru Osaki
Vol 17, No 3: September 2012 Ferro Content in Soil and Mustard Leave (Brassica Junjea) Treated by Agricultural Waste on the Biosensitizer-Iron Photoreduction Abstract   PDF
Johnly Alfreds Rorong, . Sudiarso, Budi Prasetya, Jeany Polii Mandang, Edi Suryanto Suryanto
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